Call and response
Using instruments to represent animals, copying rhythms and creating call and response rhythms.
- Subjects >
- Music >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 2 >
*NEW* Call and response (Theme: Animals)
Please note
In this unit, the children use instruments to represent animals, copying rhythms and creating call and response rhythms. The Archived unit: West African call and response song (Theme: Animals) will no longer be updated. Please see our Music: Long-term plan for more information about recent updates to our scheme and how they may affect your school.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use dynamics when creating sound.
- Play in time with a group.
- Experiment with different sounds on the same instrument.
- Clap the animal sound patterns mostly accurately.
- Clap the sound patterns in time with the pulse of the backing track.
- Demonstrate both a call and response.
- Copy a sound pattern using an instrument.
- Playing either a call and/or response role in time with another pupil.
- Perform a composition.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: Animal sounds
- To create short sounds with varied dynamics that represent an animal.
Lesson 2: Sound pattern safari
- To copy a short sound pattern.
Lesson 3: Call and response
- To explore call and response using instruments.
Lesson 4: Instrumental response
- To create sound patterns based on call and response.
Lesson 5: Dynamics performance
- To perform different sound patterns with contrasting dynamics.
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language
Physical education