Singing (Theme: On this island)
Learning folk songs and creating sounds to represent three contrasting landscapes: seaside, countryside and city.
- Subjects >
- Music >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 2 >
*NEW* Singing (Theme: On this island)
Important note
In this new unit, the children learn folk songs and create sounds to represent three contrasting landscapes: seaside, countryside and city. The Archived unit: On this island: British songs and sounds will no longer be updated. Please see our Music: Long-term plan for more information about recent updates to our scheme and how they may affect your school.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Breathe after each phrase in a song when singing.
- Sing a song from memory.
- Use different pitches while singing (high and low notes).
- Sing lyrics accurately.
- Perform actions that match lyrics.
- Collaborate and communicate within a group.
- Use sounds creatively to represent a chosen environment.
- Perform a composition.
- Apply pitch and dynamics to enhance a composition.
- Read notation from left to right.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: Seaside sounds
- To learn to sing a British folk song.
Lesson 2: Countryside sounds
- To practise and perform a song relating to the countryside.
Lesson 3: City sounds
- To practise and perform a song relating to the city.
Lesson 4: Structured soundscape
- To create symbols to represent sounds.
Lesson 5: Performing a composition
- To develop and perform a musical composition.
Key skills
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Locational knowledge; Human and physical geography.