
Archived unit: Orchestral instruments

Introducing the instruments of the orchestra and learning how different characters can be represented by timbre, how emotions can be represented by pitch and how changes in tempo can convey action.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has now been replaced by the unit *NEW* Instruments (Theme: Musical storytelling) and will no longer be updated.


Lesson 1: The Three Bears

  • To listen to and analyse an orchestral version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Lesson 2: The Snow Queen

  • To listen to and analyse a film musical version of a traditional story.

Lesson 3: Red Riding Hood

  • To select appropriate sounds to match events, characters and feelings in a story.

Lesson 4: Jack and the Beanstalk

  • To write a playscript and select appropriate musical sounds to accompany it.

Lesson 5: Super storytellers

  • To perform a story script of Jack and the Beanstalk with accompanying music.

Key skills

  • Recognising timbre changes and

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Key knowledge

  • To know that musical

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Key vocabulary




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Knowledge organiser – Music Y2: Orchestral instruments

A pupil-facing summary document for the Year 2 Orchestral instruments unit, including key vocabulary, images and facts.


Vocabulary display: Orchestral instruments

A display version of the key vocabulary from the Orchestral instruments unit.

Subject resources


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