Dance: Step to the beat
Using an imaginary clock face to perform steps and jumps in different directions; learning a dance sequence and performing to Afrobeat music.
- Subjects >
- Physical education >
- Key stage 1 >
- KS1 units >
Dance: Step to the beat
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Perform a sequence of four movement phrases.
- Perform movement phrases based on a clock face.
- Perform with some balance and control.
- Perform upper body movements.
- Compose movement phrases with a partner.
- Demonstrate timing with a clear change in movement for each beat of eight.
- Observe others and give feedback.
- Improve their performances in response to feedback.
Lesson 1: Animal rhythms
- To develop movement phrases in response to simple rhythms.
Lesson 2: Dancing around the clock
- To explore movement phrases based on an imaginary clock face.
Lesson 3: Final performance (part one)
- To perform a sequence of two movement phrases.
Lesson 4: Final performance (part two)
- To perform a sequence of four movement phrases.
Lesson 5: Paired composition
- To compose two movement phrases with a partner.
Lesson 6: Performance and evaluation
- To recognise how feedback can help improve performance.
Key skills
Related content
Unit resources
Knowledge organiser: PE – KS1 Dance: Step to the beat
A summary of the most important information for pupils. Captures the key facts and definitions from the PE Dance 'Step…
Cross-curricular opportunities
Mathematics: Using a clock face to mark the o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past positions; using body parts to create 2-D shapes.
Music: Creating movements to represent different rhythms.
British values: Mutual respect.