What do some people believe God looks like?

Exploring how other people understand God on Earth; considering different representations of God and understanding why this is challenging.

Teacher video: What do some people believe God looks like?

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Lesson 1: How might ideas about God be represented?

  • To express ideas about God.

Lesson 2: What do some Muslim people believe about God?

  • To explain how some Muslim people express their ideas about God.
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Lesson 3: What do some Hindu people believe God looks like?

  • To recognise some of the different forms of God in the Hindu worldview.

Lesson 4: What do some Christian people believe God looks like?

  • To recognise that many Christian people believe Jesus is the son of God and God on Earth.

Lesson 5: Do people all share the same beliefs about what God looks like?

  • To identify how some religious worldviews refer to and represent God.

Lesson 6: Why do people have different names for God?

  • To identify and explain some of the different names people use for God.

Optional: Why is Christmas important to so many Christians?

  • To consider why Christmas is important to Christians by exploring the ways it is celebrated.

Key skills


  • Talking about

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • What they and

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Key vocabulary




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Religion and worldviews

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y1: What do some people believe God looks like?

Aimed at pupils, a single page that gives key facts and definitions from the 'What do some people believe God…


Vocabulary: R&W – Y1 What do some people believe God looks like?

Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'What do some people believe God looks…

Subject resources


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