Are all religions equal?
Exploring the origins of various religions, children discover geographical and historical connections among them.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Lower key stage 2 >
- Year 4 >
Are all religions equal?
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use statements and prior knowledge to identify connections between religions, explaining these connections by referring to people, places and beliefs
- Talk about why making connections can be helpful.
- Identify some different names and ways of describing God.
- Explain similarities and differences between the ways people from different worldviews understand God.
- Use scripture to find out what people might believe.
- Describe the links between the story of Guru Nanak and some Sikh beliefs and practices.
- Explain why equality and harmony were important to many Sikhs in the past and why they are still important today.
- Use a range of sources to find out what might be important to some people from the Bahá’í faith.
- Compare what people with different worldviews may think about other religions.
- Express ideas creatively about how and why World Religion Day is important.
- Make links between their work and learning from previous lessons.
Suggested prior learning
Archived unit: Why is fire used ceremonially?
Get startedLessons
Introductory lesson: Respectful Religion and worldviews – How can we talk about religions and worldviews respectfully?
- To listen and respond respectfully to others’ thoughts, opinions and ideas.
Lesson 1: How are different religious worldviews connected?
- To recognise that there are many connections between religious worldviews.
Lesson 2: Is there more than one way to understand God?
- To explain similarities and differences in how people understand God.
Lesson 3: Why is religious harmony important?
- To identify how some Sikh beliefs and practices reflect ideas about religious equality.
Lesson 4: How can people from different worldviews live in harmony?
- To determine how Bahá’í teachings influence some practices.
Lesson 5: How and why should we celebrate religious equality?
- To express ideas about religious equality and harmony.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources

Religion and worldviews
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y4: Are all religions equal?
Aimed at pupils, a double page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'Are all religions equal?' unit.

Vocabulary: R&W – Y4 Are all religions equal?
Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'Are all religions equal?' unit.
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language.
RSE: Respectful relationships.
Geography: Geographical skills.
British Values: Tolerance of different cultures and religions, Mutual respect.