Does the language of scripture matter?

Exploring the ancient and translated languages of scripture and investigating its importance to many believers today.

Teacher video: Does the language of scripture matter?

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Lesson 1: What came before written scripture?

  • To investigate the transition from oral tradition to written scripture in ancient civilisations.

Lesson 2: How has Biblical Hebrew evolved?

  • To understand the importance of religious and cultural languages by exploring Yiddish.

Lesson 3: Is all Arabic the same?

  • To explore the importance of Classical Arabic in Muslim beliefs and practices.

Lesson 4: Should prayers be said in their ‘original’ languages?

  • To consider why some Jewish and Muslim people learn the language of their scriptures.

Lesson 5: How important are translations of religious scripture?

  • To understand the role of translations by exploring religious scripture.

Lesson 6: Why does some religious scripture contain artwork?

  • To investigate the use of art in some religious scripture.

Key skills

  • Identifying similarities

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Key knowledge

To know:

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Key vocabulary




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Religion and worldviews

Vocabulary display – R&W Y4: Does the language of scripture matter?

A display version of the vocabulary from the 'Does the language of scripture matter?' unit.

Religion and worldviews

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y4: Does the language of scripture matter?

Aimed at pupils, a double page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'Does the language of scripture…

Subject resources


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