Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Explain what some people mean by revelation.
- Describe how the Torah is treated in a way which demonstrates beliefs about its contents.
- Identify similarities and differences between the Tenak and the Christian Bible.
- Evaluate the significance of different scriptures.
- Identify the origins of the Buddhist Canon.
- Use a range of sources to answer a question.
- Describe how and why a person might use religious texts.
- Make links between what they know about religious texts and a person’s lived experience.
Suggested prior learning
Y3/4 (A): Why is water symbolic?
Looking at different ways scriptures are used, what this shows about the value placed on them and why this might be.
Teacher video: What makes some texts sacred?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 1: How do people communicate?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 2: What do some people mean by revelation?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 3: How are some scriptures both similar and different?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 4: What does the Bible mean to some Christians?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 5: Are all religious texts connected to God?
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 6: How important are religious texts?
Key skills
- Asking questions about what
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Key knowledge
To know:
- The way scriptures
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Key vocabulary
Buddhist Canon
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Unit resources
Assessment – Religion and worldviews: Y3/4 What makes some texts sacred?
Assessment resources for this unit. Use
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Vocabulary display: R&W – Y3/4 (A): What makes some texts sacred?
A display version of the vocabulary
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Mixed-age | Key vocabulary display
Display versions of the year group
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Knowledge organiser: R&W Y3/4 (A) – What makes some texts sacred?
Aimed at pupils, a single page
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Subject resources
Mixed-age | Knowledge and skills progression
Progression of skills document to accompany
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Mixed-age | Long-term plan
This document organises our Religion and
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Equipment list
A list of essential and optional
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Vocabulary progression
Vocabulary progression document that outlines the
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A downloadable spreadsheet to record teacher
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A mapping document showing each
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Mappingㅤ | Policy support
This document shows schools how our
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Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language; Reading – comprehension, word reading.
Art: Increasing awareness of different kinds of art and artists.
History: Ancient civilisations.
RSE: Respectful relationships.
British values: Tolerance of those with different beliefs; Mutual respect.