Learning objective

  • To express ideas about enlightenment based on Buddhist beliefs.

Success criteria

  • I can discuss

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Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance):

  • A1: Describe and make

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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Share the Presentation: Retrieval race and ask the children to read through the questions and write their answers down on their whiteboards. Once they reach the end of the race, they should prepare a question and answer for the class.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use the Resource: The Bodhi tree (support) during the Attention grabber to look closely at the image; could refer to the Knowledge organiser during the lesson to support their understanding of vocabulary and concepts. 

Pupils working at greater depth

Should give examples of traditions and practices found in both the Buddhist and Hindu worldview and consider the reasons for this; should use vocabulary from the lesson and examples from the lives of The Buddha and Lord Avalokiteshvara when writing the paragraph in the Main event. 


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recognising how the Buddha


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Vocabulary definitions

  • Avalokiteshvara

    A compassionate bodhisattva who postponed nirvana to help all beings to be freed from suffering.

  • bodhisattva

    An enlightened being who decides to delay reaching nirvana to help others achieve enlightenment.


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