Learning objective
- To express ideas about enlightenment based on Buddhist beliefs.
Success criteria
- I can recall
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Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance):
- A3: Explore and describe
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Cross-curricular links
Writing – composition
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Hand out a whiteboard and pen to each child. Display the Presentation: Anagrams and ask the children to unscramble the keywords from the previous lessons: Once they have unscrambled the words, they should write a definition for each one.
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Could use the Knowledge organiser to support designing their artwork; could use the Resource: Artwork (support) to inspire their ideas.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should consider all three margas when writing their descriptions; should refer to the Knowledge organiser to use the relevant vocabulary in their descriptions.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recognising margas in the
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Vocabulary definitions
How a person, character, event or concept is represented or described.
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In this unit
Assessment - R&W Y5/6 (A): What happens when we die? (Part 2)
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: If there is a soul, where does it go?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: What is samsara?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: How might someone reach moksha?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: How can people find comfort after death?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: What is nirvana?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 6: What does enlightenment look like?