Y5/6 (A): Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?

Investigating historical and modern-day examples of people who have fought for their beliefs.

Teacher video: Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: What does freedom look like?

  • To recognise the importance of religious freedom by interpreting news reports.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: How have beliefs been challenged in the past?

  • To consider the challenges some religious figures faced by looking at Jewish, Christian and Sikh stories.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: How can light represent standing up for what you believe in?

  • To explain why Bandi Chhor Divas is celebrated by many Sikhs. 

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: Should we celebrate Bonfire Night?

  • To consider how the meaning of festivals can differ by exploring the origin of Bonfire Night.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: What can inspire people to stand up for their beliefs?

  • To explore why people stand up for their beliefs using a variety of modern-day scenarios.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 6: How can we stand up for what we believe in?

  • To explain how and why people stand up for what they believe in.

Key skills


  • Asking challenging

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • In the UK

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Key vocabulary


Bandi Chhor Divas


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Religion and worldviews

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y5/6 (A): Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?

Aimed at pupils, a single page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'Why do people have to…


Vocabulary: R&W – Y5/6 Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?

Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'Why do people have to stand up…

Subject resources


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