Y3/4 (A): Why is water symbolic?
Looking at water's symbolic use and the many ways it is used in religious rituals and ceremonies.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Mixed-age >
Y3/4 (A): Why is water symbolic?
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Making connections between religious stories and the importance of water.
- Identifying how water is used in some rituals.
- Suggesting what water might symbolise.
- Making links between beliefs and actions.
- Talking about why some Christians choose to be baptised.
- Explaining water’s importance in religious and cultural contexts.
- Sharing thoughtful insights or reflections on water’s importance.
- Articulating their own ideas about the value of water creatively.
Suggested prior learning
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 1: Why is water important?
- To explore how water is important to life practically and symbolically.
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 2: How is water used in rituals?
- To explore the significance of water through investigating Buddhist and Shinto rituals.
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 3: What can some religious stories suggest about water?
- To analyse the importance of water in some Christian, Jewish and Muslim stories.
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 4: What is baptism?
- To investigate water’s symbolism and role in Christian baptism.
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 5: How and why do some Hindus celebrate the River Ganges?
- To explore the significance of water at the Hindu Kumbh Mela festival.
Y3/4 (A): Lesson 6: Why is water precious?
- To explore why water is considered precious by analysing quotes and actions.
Key skills
Related content
Unit resources

Religion and worldviews
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y3/4 (A): Why is water symbolic?
Aimed at pupils, two pages providing key facts and definitions from the unit 'Why is water symbolic?'.

Vocabulary: R&W – Y3/4 Why is water symbolic?
Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'What makes us human?' unit.
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Writing composition; Spoken language; Reading – comprehension.
Science: Plants.
Geography: Human and physical geography.
RSE: Respectful relationships.
British values: Mutual respect; Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.