Y5/6 (A): Why do Dharmic religions look different around the world?

Considering how culture, history, geography and tradition can influence religion and worldviews.

Teacher video: Why do Dharmic religions look different around the world?

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: How can God be linked to a place?

  • To explore how places can influence the worship of different Hindu deities.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: What can it be like as a Hindu in the UK?

  • To explore how some people maintain their Hindu identity in the UK.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: What does being Sikh mean to different people?

  • To reflect on what it means to be part of the Sikh community by exploring different personal experiences.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: Why are festivals of light important in different worldviews?

  • To analyse and understand festivals of light from different worldviews.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: How do some Buddhists practise beliefs in their daily lives?

  • To compare how Buddhist teachings influence daily life for a monk and lay Buddhist.

Y5/6 (A): Lesson 6: Do all Buddhists practise in the same way?

  • To make links and comparisons between different meditative practices performed by some Buddhists.

Key skills


  • Asking challenging

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • Some of the

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Key vocabulary

Bandi Chhor Divas



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Religion and worldviews

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y5/6 (A): Why do Dharmic religions look different around the world?

Aimed at pupils, a double page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'Why do Dharmic religions look…


Vocabulary: R&W – Y5/6 Why do Dharmic religions look different around the world?

Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'Why do Dharmic religions look different around…

Subject resources


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