Learning objective
- To recognise the importance of religious freedom by interpreting news reports.
Success criteria
- I can interpret sources of evidence.
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Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance):
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Cross-curricular links
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Remind the children of their learning in the Introductory lesson: Does everyone have the same beliefs about God? and display the Presentation: Agree or disagree?
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Extended-mode explainer videos
How to extend your display to view the lesson page and preseantion mode simultaneously. Choose your operating system below to watch the video
If you need further support with extending your display,
please contact [email protected].
Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Could verbalise their thoughts in regards to an article rather than noting them; could use the Activity: I wish I knew to structure their poems or lyrics; could use the Resource: Breaking news when discussing the news articles on slide 2 of the Presentation: Religious freedom in the Main event.
Pupils working at greater depth
Could explore an additional news article; could write more than one verse, focusing on different religious prejudices.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: expressing their thoughts and
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Vocabulary definitions
The unfair treatment of someone due to their personal characteristics.
A person who believes in non-violent living and that the universe has always existed without a creator god.
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In this unit
Assessment - Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 1: What does freedom look like?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 2: How have beliefs been challenged in the past?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 3: How can light represent standing up for what you believe in?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 4: Should we celebrate Bonfire Night?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 5: What can inspire people to stand up for their beliefs?
Y5/6 (A): Lesson 6: How can we stand up for what we believe in?