Time to celebrate

Exploring the significance of various festivals, through stories, images and creative activities; learning about the customs and meanings behind these celebrations. 

Across the year

These six standalone lessons should be taught during each half-term. The timing is flexible but they should be planned to coincide with when religious and cultural festivals are celebrated.


Note – Lesson 3: What is Holi requires the children to bring in plain white t-shirts (optional).

Choose your lesson

Lesson 1: What is the Harvest Festival?

Teach this lesson during Autumn 1 around the time that Harvest is celebrated which is generally during September or October.

Lesson 2: What is Hanukkah?

Exploring how some Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah by learning about the story behind it.

Lesson 3: What is Holi?

Exploring how some Hindu people celebrate Holi by learning about the story behind it.

Lesson 4: What is Shrove Tuesday?

Investigating the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and how people celebrate it.

Lessons 5–6 coming soon

A new lesson will be added each half term.

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Continuous provision ideas: What is the Harvest festival?

Continuous provision activities to complement the EYFS 'What is the Harvest Festival?' lesson, reinforcing core learning, promoting independence and catering…

Religion and worldviews

Continuous provision ideas: What is Hanukkah?

Continuous provision activities to complement the EYFS 'What is Hanukkah?' lesson, reinforcing core learning, promoting independence and catering to various…

Religion and worldviews

Continuous provision ideas: What is Holi?

Continuous provision activities to complement the EYFS 'What is Holi?' lesson, reinforcing core learning, promoting independence and catering to various…

Subject resources


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