What makes the world special?

Exploring what makes the world around the children special, learning why the world can be special to both themselves and others.

Teacher video: What makes the world special?

Choose your lesson

Lesson 1: What is special about our world?

Exploring the world around the children; thinking about why it is special.

Lesson 2: Where do some people believe the world came from?

Investigating where some people believe the world came from by listening to a creation story.

Lesson 3: Why should we look after our world?

Recognising the importance of looking after the world by listening to a religious story and building a habitat hotel or bird box.

Lesson 4: How can we care for the world?

Identifying ways the children and others can show they care for the world.

Lesson 5: What is the Easter story?

Exploring the Easter story and making connections to new life.

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Unit resources

Religion and worldviews

Continuous provision ideas – R&W EYFS: What makes the world special?

Continuous provision activities to complement the EYFS unit 'What makes the world special?'.

Subject resources


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