What is a prophet?
Investigating stories that show the characteristics of a prophet and what a prophet might mean to some people.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Key stage 1 >
- Year 2 >
What is a prophet?
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Identify how some prophets’ feelings changed and explain the people’s reactions to new prophets.
- Understand the promises God made to some individuals, including promises shared across the Christian and Jewish worldviews.
- Describe the story of the Night Journey and identify common prophets in the Muslim, Christian and Jewish worldviews.
- Explain Jesus’ varied role in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim worldviews, identifying similarities and differences in these perspectives.
- Describe how a guru might be similar to a prophet.
- Explain what makes some prophets important to the people in the worldviews they explore.
Suggested prior learning
How do we know some people feel a special connection to a god?
This assumes that you are following Kapow Primary’s Religion and worldviews Long-term plan – standard.
Lesson 1: What characteristics did some prophets have?
- To identify the characteristics of a prophet by exploring a story.
Lesson 2: Why were some prophets reluctant to accept their role?
- To investigate stories about people’s responses to the role of a prophet.
Lesson 3: What promises did God make to some prophets?
- To explore the promises made to some prophets in stories and scriptures.
Lesson 4: How do we know that Muhammad was the last prophet in the Muslim worldview?
- To investigate how the role of Muhammad is important to some Muslims using stories and scripture.
Lesson 5: Why is Jesus important to some religious people?
- To explore the role of Jesus in different worldviews using stories and scripture.
Lesson 6: Why might some Sikhs believe Guru Nanak is special?
- To explain the importance of Guru Nanak for some Sikhs by looking at key events and teachings.
Optional Easter lesson: Why does Easter bring hope to many Christians?
- To recognise that Easter celebrates Jesus coming back to life and express this through art.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources

Religion and worldviews
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y2: What is a prophet?
Aimed at pupils, a single page that gives key facts and definitions from the 'What is a prophet?' unit.

Vocabulary: R&W – Year 2 What is a prophet?
Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'What is a prophet?' unit.
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Reading