What makes some texts sacred?

Exploring the origins of religious texts and considering their value to some followers.

Teacher video: What makes some texts sacred?

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Lesson 1: How do people communicate beliefs without words?

  • To recognise how ideas and beliefs can be communicated by looking at different art forms.

Lesson 2: What can we find out about scripture?

  • To evaluate information about Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh scriptures.

Lesson 3: What does it mean if scripture was revealed or remembered?

  • To make connections with beliefs about the origin of scripture and how it is used.

Lesson 4: Why do some worldviews have more than one book of scripture?

  • To explain why some religions have multiple scriptures by exploring the Buddhist Canon.
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Lesson 5: How do some people demonstrate the value of scripture?

  • To evaluate the significance of religious scripture to some people.

Lesson 6: How do sacred texts play a part in some people’s lives?

  • To describe the importance of scripture to some people.

Optional: How is Christmas part of a bigger story?

  • To analyse the importance of Christmas by exploring events in the Bible.

Key skills


  • Asking questions

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • Holy means divine,

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Key vocabulary

Baghavad Gita

Buddhist Canon


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