What makes some texts sacred?
Exploring the origins of religious texts and considering their value to some followers.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Lower key stage 2 >
- Year 4 >
What makes some texts sacred?
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Explaining the difference between evidenced or recognised information about scripture and beliefs and opinions.
- Giving some reasons why different Hindu texts might be significant to people.
- Identifying the key events that led to the writing of the Buddhist Canon.
- Discussing the importance of the Buddhist canon to some people today.
- Providing examples of why and how the Guru Granth Sahib is respected.
- Drawing out connections between beliefs and practices.
- Comparing and making links between scriptures from different worldviews.
- Identifying the role and value of scripture in some people’s lives.
Suggested prior learning
Is scripture central to religion?
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: How do people communicate beliefs without words?
- To recognise how ideas and beliefs can be communicated by looking at different art forms.
Lesson 2: What can we find out about scripture?
- To evaluate information about Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh scriptures.
Lesson 3: What does it mean if scripture was revealed or remembered?
- To make connections with beliefs about the origin of scripture and how it is used.
Lesson 4: Why do some worldviews have more than one book of scripture?
- To explain why some religions have multiple scriptures by exploring the Buddhist Canon.
Lesson 5: How do some people demonstrate the value of scripture?
- To evaluate the significance of religious scripture to some people.
Lesson 6: How do sacred texts play a part in some people’s lives?
- To describe the importance of scripture to some people.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Religion and worldviews
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y4: What makes some texts sacred?
Aimed at pupils, a single page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'What makes some texts sacred?'…
Vocabulary: R&W – Y4 What makes some texts sacred?
Display versions of the year group key vocabulary and unit vocabulary from the 'What makes some texts sacred?' unit
Cross-curricular opportunities
Art and design
English: Spoken language, Writing – composition, Reading – comprehension
RSE: Respectful relationships
British values: Mutal respect, Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs