What happens when we die? (Part 1)

Interpreting different sources of wisdom and beliefs about what happens when we die.

Teacher video: What happens when we die? (Part 1)

An overview video to support the teaching of this unit.


Lesson 1: Why do some people believe in a soul?

  • To recognise the significance of the soul in people’s beliefs about the afterlife and its role in Abrahamic worldviews.

Lesson 2: How do some people make up for bad deeds?

  • To explore some Jewish beliefs about death through the concept of purgatory.

Lesson 3: If there’s a heaven, what might it be like?

  • To explore Muslim beliefs about the afterlife by investigating sources.

Lesson 4: What is the purpose of a funeral?

  • To explain what funerals can mean in different worldviews.

Lesson 5: How do some people seek forgiveness in their lives?

  • To explore the role of forgiveness for some people in different worldviews.

Lesson 6: How do some people remember those that have died?

  • To recognise the significance of Dia de los Muertos for some Catholic people.

Key skills


  • Asking challenging

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Key knowledge


To know:

  • The meaning of

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Key vocabulary




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