Learning objective

  • To compare Jesus’ resurrection and beliefs about eternal life by exploring Bible passages.

Success criteria

  • I can discuss the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection in the Easter story.
  • I can identify some Christian beliefs about life after death.
  • I can describe how these beliefs can influence Christian life.

Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance):

  • A1: Describe and make connections between different features of the religions and worldviews they study, discovering more about celebrations, worship, pilgrimages and the rituals which mark important points in life, in order to reflect on their significance.
  • A2: Describe and understand links between stories and other aspects of the communities they are investigating, responding thoughtfully to a range of sources of wisdom and to beliefs and teachings that arise from them in different communities.
  • A3: Explore and describe a range of beliefs, symbols and actions so that they can understand different ways of life and ways of expressing meaning.
  • B3: Observe and consider different dimensions of religion, so that they can explore and show understanding of similarities and differences within and between different religions and worldviews.
  • C1: Discuss and present thoughtfully their own and others’ views on challenging questions about belonging, meaning, purpose and truth, applying ideas of their own in different forms including (e.g.) reasoning, music, art and poetry.

See REC Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance) Religious Education Council of England & Wales.

Before the lesson

Activity: Eternal life (one between two).
Activity - Eternal life (Support)
Activity: Messages (pre-cut, one each)
Activity - Messages (Support)
Resource: Jesus' messages (one teacher copy to attach to a flipchart or display)
Resource: Concept words (one teacher copy - see Attention grabber). 
Resource: Knowledge organiser: Why and how do people celebrate Easter? (optional - see Teacher knowledge).
Resource: Lesson vocabulary (optional - one class set for display).

Lesson plan

1: Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Easter quiz.

Read the questions aloud and ask the children to answer the questions on their mini whiteboards.

Presentation: Easter quiz

Optional: Play the Pupil video: Holy week if children are not familiar with or cannot remember the events.

Pupil video: Holy week

2: Attention grabber

Stick or pin the words from the Resource: Concept words in different areas around the classroom.

Ask children to move to the word around the room that best represents their ideas of death. Invite some children to share why they chose it.

Then ask the children to move to the word around the room that best represents what they think a Christian’s ideas of death might be.

As a class, discuss the following question:

  • How might parts of the Easter story influence some Christians’ ideas about death? (The children may suggest: Jesus died and returned to God like some Christians believe will happen when they die; Jesus forgave everyone before he died and many Christians believe in forgiveness and judgement.)

Display the Presentation: Reconnecting with God and read out the quote from a member of a Christian community.

Presentation: Reconnecting with God


  • What do you think ‘eternal life’ might mean?

Explain that many Christians believe ‘eternal life’ means that after someone dies, their soul will live with God in heaven forever. Ensure the children understand that this does not mean they will never die or that their body will come back to life after death.

3: Main event

Display the Presentation: Eternal life showing images of Jesus’ resurrection and later ascension.

Remind the children that because there are no known descriptions of Jesus from his time, all images of Jesus are based on later artists’ ideas and interpretations of how they believe events may have looked at the time.

Presentation: Eternal life

Ask the children to discuss what is happening at this point in the Easter story.

Take feedback and explain that the images show artists’ interpretations of Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection. Ensure the children understand that ‘crucifixion’ refers to being nailed or tied to a cross as a form of execution and ‘resurrection’ refers to the act of coming back to life.


  • What do you think this might suggest about the way some Christians view death?

Take feedback and explain that many Christians believe Jesus’ death and resurrection are proof of eternal life after death.

Divide the children into groups of four and hand out a copy of the Activity: Eternal life and a couple of highlighters to each group.

Explain that in their groups, they will read through different Bible passages and quotes to find out what eternal life might mean to some Christians and what the Easter story might suggest about life after death.

Take feedback using the following questions to guide the discussion:


  • How might the idea of eternal life be comforting to some Christians? (The children may suggest: they may feel comforted knowing they will be safe and with God when they die or knowing they will be reunited with loved ones one day.)
  • How could the events of Holy Week influence how some Christians live their life? (Answers include: it might help them to be forgiving, kind and show mercy to others as Jesus did; it may help them to be positive and know things will all be okay in the end through hope; they may want to be part of a community and make others feel welcome and safe.)

Explain to the children that at Easter time, Christians celebrate the day Jesus died on Good Friday. Ask them to discuss in pairs why they think a day about the death of someone is named ‘good’ and take feedback.

Use slides 2–6 of the Presentation: Eternal life to explain that many Christians believe Jesus’ death and the events of Holy Week fulfilled ancient prophecies.


  • Why might many Christians believe these prophecies support the idea that Jesus’ death was ‘good’? (The children might suggest: it showed them that he was God and his death was part of God’s plan; it showed them God’s power; they understood that Jesus had to die to save them.)

Explain that for many Christians, Jesus’ death on Good Friday symbolises sacrifice, restoring humanity’s relationship with God, hope and forgiveness.

Remind the children that for forty days after his resurrection, Christians believe Jesus spent time on Earth with his disciples before returning to God in heaven. Ask them to discuss what he might have said to them in pairs and take feedback.

Hand out the Activity: Messages (one each) and ask the children to write down a message Jesus may have shared with his disciples.

Encourage the children to think about different parts of Holy Week, the symbolism of different events and what might be comforting for them to know.

Display the Resource: Jesus’ messages on the flipchart and invite some children to share their ideas and stick them around the image.

Optional – create a display in the shape of a cross with the children’s messages, categorising them into messages about death and returning to God, if applicable.

4: Wrapping up

Display the Presentation: Wrapping up words.

Presentation: Wrapping up words

Ask the children to discuss in pairs:

  • Based on the Easter story, what might some Christians think about life after death? (Answers may include: some Christians may believe they will also live forever with God after they die; knowing Jesus returned to God may help some Christians to not be afraid of dying; the Easter story may suggest that souls live on with God; some Christians may feel comfort knowing they will be reunited with loved ones again in heaven.)

Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing support:

Could use the Resource: Knowledge organiser to recap the Easter story for the Recap and recall; could use Activity: Eternal life (support) to find examples of forgiveness and eternal life; could talk through the Resource: Concept words (support) or review them before the lesson.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Should consider any additional values, meanings or messages that could be uncovered from the Easter story (e.g. friendship, trust, etc) and think about what these might suggest about death; should explore alternative accounts of the passages from the Gospels or read the full passages in the Bible.

Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: discussing why Jesus’ death and resurrection are significant to many Christians; listing some Christian beliefs about life after death; explaining why Good Friday is named as such. 

Pupils working at greater depth indicated by: comparing different accounts of Jesus’ death and resurrection; exploring further passages from the Bible.

Vocabulary definitions

  • ascension

    The event in which Christians believe Jesus rose into heaven.

  • crucifixion

    Killing someone by nailing or tying them to a cross.

  • interpretation

    Explaining or understanding the meaning of something.

  • resurrection

    The act of coming back to life.

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