What place does religion have in our world today?
Exploring the place of religion personally, locally, nationally and globally.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 6 >
What place does religion have in our world today?
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Reflect on their own learning and how it has impacted their personal development.
- Analyse census data to identify trends and changes in the religious makeup of the UK.
- Reflect on how their local area’s data compares with an alternative area and national trends.
- Discuss reasons for the changing uses of religious buildings over time.
- Analyse and respond to data about religious diversity across the world.
- Discuss the historical and geographical influences on the spread and current distribution of religions.
- Explain the concept of freedom of religion or belief.
- Consider their own responses to issues related to freedom of religion and belief.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the need for tolerance and respect.
- Explore the role of learning about religion and worldviews in daily life.
As part of lesson 3, a walk around the local area to look at places of worship could be arranged. It is important to risk-assess the visit taking into account any relevant school risk assessment policies and procedures. Refer to the Teacher knowledge section in Lesson 3 for more information. Please be aware if carrying out the walk this lesson may take longer than 1 hour.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: What is my worldview?
- To express a personal worldview through art.
Lesson 2: What can we find out about religion in the UK from census data?
- To interpret the religious make-up of the UK by examining census data.
Lesson 3: What can buildings tell us about religion in the UK?
- To compare the use of places of worship locally and elsewhere in the UK.
Lesson 4: Where and why do religions spread?
- To investigate the spread of religion across the world using maps and data.
Lesson 5: What is freedom of religion or belief?
- To discuss the importance of freedom of religion and belief by analysing different scenarios.
Lesson 6: Why should we learn about religions and worldviews?
- To explain the importance of learning about religions and worldviews through real-life examples.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources

Knowledge Organiser – R&W Y6: What place does religion have in our world today?
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Vocabulary: R&W – What places does religion have in our world today?
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Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language.
RSE: Respectful relationships.
Geography: Human geography.
Maths: Fractions (including decimals and percentages)
British values: Mutual respect; Tolerance of those with different beliefs; Rule of law.