Why is there suffering? (Part 2)
Developing their understanding of suffering, children look at alternative ideas about suffering.
- Subjects >
- Religion and worldviews >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 6 >
Why is there suffering? (Part 2)
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Consider different responses to suffering.
- Explore their own views and responses to suffering.
- Acknowledge that many Buddhists accept that suffering is a part of everybody’s lives.
- Define the words Hukam and Naam and explain how they can be helpful to some Sikhs.
- Share reasons why many Sikhs live good lives despite the belief that God has a plan for them.
- Explain some Shinto beliefs about kami.
- Rank ideas to show their personal responses.
- Consider how their learning has reflected or developed their own views about suffering.
In Lesson 1, the children begin adding to the Activity: Positivity pots. Keep these for future lessons in the unit.
Suggested prior learning
Lesson 1: How do people suffer?
Get startedYou may wish to watch the unit video for Why is there suffering? (Part 1) before teaching this unit.
Lesson 1: What can suffering teach us about happiness?
- To consider how people’s beliefs influence their response to suffering.
Lesson 2: What can cause suffering?
- To interpret the Buddhist concept of the Second Noble Truth using the story of Kisa Gotami.
Lesson 3: How do some people overcome suffering?
- To explore how the Four Noble Truths can help some Buddhists respond to suffering.
Lesson 4: How can Hukam help in difficult times?
- To recognise how the belief in Hukam can help some people in difficult times.
Lesson 5: Who is the best at helping?
- To discuss how some Shinto followers believe suffering can be prevented.
Lesson 6: How can beliefs affect our understanding of suffering?
- To recognise how responses to suffering vary using stories, beliefs and practices.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources

Vocabulary display – R&W Y6: Why is there suffering? (Part 2)
A display version of the key vocabulary from the 'Why is there suffering? (Part 2)' unit.

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y6: Why is there suffering? (Part 2)
Aimed at pupils, a double page document that gives key facts and definitions from the 'Why is there suffering? (Part…
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language; Reading comprehension; Writing.
RSE: Respectful relationships.
British values: Mutual respect; Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.