Learning objective

  • To understand safe and unsafe touches.

Success criteria

  • I can explain the PANTS rule.
  • I know how

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Statutory guidance


Being safe

Pupils should


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Agree or disagree? Give the children some time to discuss the statement with their partner and explain why they agree/disagree with it.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could form a small group to ensure they understand the PANTS rule.

Pupils working at greater depth

Could design posters to show the PANTS rule and explain why keeping private parts private is important; should describe how to cope when something inappropriate happens and how to report incidents at home and school.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: being able to explain the PANTS


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Vocabulary definitions

  • PANTS rule

    The rule outlining that our bodies belong to us and nobody should touch it if we do not want to.

  • private parts

    Private parts are parts of the body that we keep covered and nobody should touch them unless it is for health reasons.


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Sarah Huggins

RSE & PSHE specialist

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Sarah has over 20 years’ experience in education. Starting as a Primary teacher, Sarah then moved into an advisory role that covered both PSHE education and Citizenship. She delivers courses for teachers, as well as sessions for children and young people and creates…
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