RSE and PSHE KS2 years 3 and 4

Pupils learn about families and relationships and physical health and mental wellbeing. The issue of influence and choice is explored and understanding of online safety is further developed. Pupils learn basic first aid and are introduced to puberty.


Units can be taught in any order but we recommend starting each year with the introductory lesson

Year 3

Introduction: Setting ground rules for RSE & PSHE lessons

A stand-alone introductory lesson outlining RSE & PSHE as a subject and exploring how to create a successful learning environment for these lessons.

Y3 Families and relationships

Learning: how to resolve relationship problems; effective listening skills and about non-verbal communication. Looking at the impact of bullying and what action can be taken; exploring trust and who to trust and that stereotyping can exist

Y3 Health and wellbeing

Understanding that a healthy lifestyle includes physical activity, a balanced diet, and rest and relaxation; exploring identity through groups we belong to, and how our strengths can be used to help others; learning how to solve problems by breaking them down into achievable steps.

Y3 Safety and the changing body

Learning about: cyberbullying and how to be good digital citizens; first aid, bites and stings and how to be safe near roads. Pupils also think about choices and influence

Y3 Citizenship

Learning about children’s rights; exploring why we have rules and the roles of local community groups, charities and recycling and an introduction to local democracy

*New* Y3 Economic wellbeing

Introduction to budgeting, learning about the different paying methods, the emotional impact of money, the ethics of spending, potential jobs and careers and learning that anyone can aspire to anything.

Year 3: Transition lesson

Helping Year 3 pupils prepare for the transition to Year 4 and the changes that come with this

Archived unit: Y3 Economic wellbeing

Please note: This unit has now been replaced by the Year 3 unit Economic wellbeing and will be unavailable from August 2024. This unit is no longer being updated.

Introduction to creating a budget and learning about: the different ways of paying, the emotional impact of money, the ethics of spending and thinking about potential jobs and careers

Year 4

Introduction: Setting ground rules for RSE & PSHE lessons

A stand-alone introductory lesson outlining RSE & PSHE as a subject and exploring how to create a successful learning environment for these lessons

Y4 Families and relationships

Learning that families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement

Y4 Health and wellbeing

Developing emotional maturity; learning that we experience a range of emotions and are responsible for these; appreciating the emotions of others; developing a growth mindset; identifying calming and relaxing activities; developing independence in dental hygiene

Y4 Safety and the changing body

Building awareness of online safety and the benefits and risks of sharing information online; identifying the difference between private and public; age restrictions; exploring the physical and emotional changes in puberty; the risks associated with tobacco; knowing how to help someone with asthma

Y4 Citizenship

Learning about Human rights and caring for the environment; exploring the role of groups within the local community and appreciating community diversity; looking at the role of local government

*New* Y4 Economic wellbeing

Exploring choices associated with looking after money, what makes something good value for money, stereotypes in the workplace, career changes and what influences career choices.

Year 4: Transition lesson

Helping Year 4 pupils prepare for the transition into Year 5 and the changes, challenges and opportunities this brings

Archived unit: Y4 Economic wellbeing

Please note: This unit has now been replaced by the Year 4 unit Economic wellbeing and will be unavailable from August 2024. This unit is no longer being updated.

Exploring choices associated spending, value for money, career aspirations and what influences career choices.

An introduction to puberty for year 4 pupils


“The content and coverage provide reassurance to the teachers on covering difficult issues, and we can be sure that they meet statutory expectations.”

Caron Brown

“The planning was clear and helped staff who were perhaps a little nervous to teach this part of the curriculum. The resources provided were modern and sensitive, as well as being informative. We had been searching for while for informative and up-to-date resources to use alongside the delivery of the RSE curriculum and Kapow was the only programme that we felt met the children’s needs and our needs effectively.

The content of the video was informative and up-to-date to meets the needs of the children.”

Rhiannon Macdonald – Millfields Primary School

“The Kapow scheme has supported our school’s delivery in teaching pupils about puberty and sex education in a visual and age-appropriate way. The videos themselves are simple but informative and are supported by detailed lesson plans and resources. The Kapow scheme has supported our teachers brilliantly in developing both their subject knowledge and confidence when teaching the more sensitive areas of the RSE curriculum and has provided our subject leader with a fantastic basis upon which to develop a school-specific curriculum in this subject. Our pupils recognise the importance and value of learning RSE and Kapow has enabled us to do this in a way which meets their needs and answer their questions at an age-appropriate level.”

Lauren House

“We really like how the units develop and progress across the years to build on knowledge for the children. The videos are child appropriate, and we have had good feedback from parents when we have shared these with them. Parents feel informed from year group to year group as we share a termly update with them on coverage and vocabulary. Teachers feel confident as they are supported by the clear plans to teach.”

Mrs Nicky Metcalfe, The March CE Primary

I was able to watch the videos through with the children, and the diagrams were clearly presented and labelled, allowing me to stop the video to assess learning and field questions.”

Kerry Jones, St. Martin’s Preparatory School

“Detailed and clear.

Good quality resources that support our curriculum. Language used fits too.”

James Clay, Manston Primary School

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