Teacher video: Economic wellbeing
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Describe how different payment methods may be used in given scenarios.
- Suggest why specific payment methods might be more beneficial.
- Explain what a budget is and how we can benefit from budgeting.
- Identify how they would feel in a money scenario.
- Understand the impact our spending choices can have on others and the environment.
- Understand that a wide range of jobs are available.
- Know that skills and interests lead people to certain jobs.
- Know that job stereotypes sometimes exist but these should not limit anyone.
Suggested prior learning
*New* Y2 Economic wellbeing
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: How do people pay for things?
Lesson 2: What does budgeting mean?
Lesson 3: How do people feel about money?
Lesson 4: What happens when people spend money?
Lesson 5: What careers do people have?
Lesson 6: Can anyone be anything?
Key skills
- Considering the pros and
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Key knowledge
To know:
- The pros and
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Key vocabulary
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Year 3 Economic wellbeing videos
Unit resources
Assessment – RSE & PSHE Y3: Economic wellbeing
Assessment resources for this unit. Use
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Knowledge organiser
A summary of the most important
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Unit vocabulary
Subject resources
RSE & PSHE long-term plans
A suggested order for teaching RSE
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Equipment list
Required equipment for Kapow Primary RSE
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Unit vocabulary
Vocabulary progression document that outlines the
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Spreadsheet to record teacher assessments against
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Mapping resources for RSE and PSHE
How Kapow Primary's RSE and PSHE
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Cross-curricular opportunities
British values: Individual liberty, Mutual respect, Rule of law, Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
English: Spoken language
Maths: Measurement