Learning objective
- To begin to understand allergies
Statutory guidance
Health and prevention: the facts and science relating to allergies, immunisation and vaccination
Success criteria
Cross-curricular links
Before the lesson
Download classroom resources
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: Help with finding the allergens on the food packaging and using the Allergens in Food Resource 2 which has a list of allergens for them to choose from.
Pupils working at greater depth: Should be given more challenging packaging to work with and Allergens in Food Resource 1.
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
In this topic
- Assessment - RSE & PSHE Y1/2 (A): Health and wellbeing
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 1: Understanding my feelings
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 2: Relaxation - laughter and progressive muscle relaxation
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 3: What am I like?
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 4: Ready for bed
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 5: Hand washing and personal hygiene
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 6: Sun safety
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 7: Allergies
- Y1/2 (A): Lesson 8: People who help us stay healthy