Learning objectives
- To identify strategies to help overcome barriers or manage difficult emotions
- To develop a growth mindset
Statutory guidance
- The National Curriculum states that ‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)’
Success criteria
Cross-curricular links
Before the lesson
Download classroom resources
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: May find the time-limited challenges difficult to cope with. Give them the option to time other children using a stopwatch, if they show signs of becoming agitated.
Pupils working at greater depth: Should be challenged to explain what a growth mindset is and how it could be applied in different contexts.
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
In this topic
- Assessment - Y1/2 (B): Health and wellbeing
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 1: Understanding my feelings
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 2: Steps to success
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 3: Developing a growth mindset
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 4: Being active
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 5: Relaxation: breathing exercises
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 6: Healthy diet
- Y1/2 (B): Lesson 7: Looking after our teeth