Learning objective
- To develop a growth mindset and understand that mistakes are useful
Statutory guidance
- That mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health
Success criteria
Cross-curricular links
Before the lesson
Download classroom resources
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: For the matching activity, they could work with a reduced number of cards or could work in a mixed ability pair. For the mind map activity, remind these pupils to look at the list you made together during the class discussion.
Pupils working at greater depth: For the matching activity, they could add some additional examples. Should describe different examples and contexts of mistakes and can explain how they are helpful.
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
Schools celebrating mistakes: we love to see your examples
In this topic
- Assessment - RSE & PSHE Y3/4 (A): Health and wellbeing
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 1: My healthy diary
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 2: Diet and dental health
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 3: Relaxation: stretches
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 4: Wonderful me
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 5: My superpowers
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 6: Celebrating mistakes
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 7: Communicating my feelings
- Y3/4 (A): Lesson 8: My happiness