Y3/4 (B): Health and wellbeing

Learning how to look after our teeth, practising visualisation as a way to relax, considering our strengths and future career options, learning how to break down barriers to help us achieve a goal, identifying a range of emotions and understanding the term 'mental health.'


Y3/4 (B): Lesson 1: My healthy diary

To understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle including physical activity, rest and diet

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 2: Looking after our teeth

To understand how we can look after our teeth

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 3: Relaxation: Visualisation

To understand what relaxation feels like; To understand that relaxation techniques can be used anywhere

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 4: Meaning and purpose: my role

To identify my own strengths and begin to see how they can affect others

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 5: Resilience: breaking down problems

To break down barriers into smaller, achievable goals

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 6: Emotions

To understand a range of emotions

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 7: Communicating my feelings

To recognise when to give consent

Y3/4 (B): Lesson 8: Mental health

To begin to understand what mental health is and who can help if they need it

Key skills

Year 3

  • Developing

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Key knowledge

Year 3

  • To

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Key vocabulary

To see key vocabulary for Year 1 and 2, please see our RSE & PSHE vocabulary list.


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Related content


RSE & PSHE: Vocabulary progression

Vocabulary progression document that outlines the new vocabulary introduced each year.

Subject resources


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