Learning objective
- To understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle
Statutory guidance
Pupils should know:
- That mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health.
- The benefits of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation, voluntary and service-based activity on mental wellbeing and happiness.
- Simple self-care techniques, including the importance of rest, time spent with friends and family and the benefits of hobbies and interests.
- Where and how to seek support (including recognising the triggers for seeking support), including whom in school they should speak to if they are worried about their own or someone else’s mental wellbeing or ability to control their emotions (including issues arising online).
- It is common for people to experience mental ill health. For many people who do, the problems can be resolved if the right support is made available, especially if accessed early enough.
Success criteria
Cross-curricular links
Before the lesson
Download classroom resources
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: Could sort the reduced number of true/false statements on the Activity: True or false healthy statements – reduced reading. May need some examples to get them going or prompting questions to help them think of what they already do. You could also ask them to focus on two of the four areas when completing Activity: Looking after my body and mind.
Pupils working at greater depth: Should be able to justify their opinions of whether a statement is true or false. Should describe how each of these areas can affect both mental and physical health. They can also add more detail about the new things they are going to do and make their targets SMART (to link with the previous lesson).
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
In this topic
- Assessment - RSE & PSHE Y5/6 (B): Health and wellbeing
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 1: Relaxation: Mindfulness
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 2: What can I be?
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 3: Taking responsibility for my health
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 4: The impact of technology on health
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 5: Resilience toolbox
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 6: Immunisation
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 7: Physical health concerns
- Y5/6 (B): Lesson 8: Good and bad habits