Y5/6 (B): Lesson 3: Stereotypes in the workplace

Children learn that stereotypes can exist in the workplace but they should not affect people’s career aspirations.

Learning objectives

  • To understand that stereotypes can exist in the workplace but they should not affect people’s career aspirations

National curriculum

  • PSHE Association’s Programme of Study for PSHE: Living in the wider world > L27. about stereotypes in the workplace and that a person’s career aspirations should not be limited by them

Success criteria

Cross-curricular links

Before the lesson

Download classroom resources

Attention grabber

Main event


Pupils needing extra support: Could work with a partner or adult to discuss their ideas before sharing with the class. They could focus on one of the examples given in the activity sheet.

Pupils working at greater depth: Could be challenged to provide examples of stereotypes they have seen in the news and to come up with realistic ways in which discrimination can be overcome.

Wrapping up

Assessing pupils' progression and understanding


Created by:
Kapow Primary, 
RSE & PSHE specialist
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