Year 6 Health and wellbeing
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Y6 Health and wellbeing
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Describe qualities or values they want to develop and create achievable goals.
- Describe the importance of relaxation and suggest different strategies.
- Describe how they take care of their physical wellbeing.
- Understand that technology can have an impact on physical and mental health and know some strategies they can use to overcome this.
- Describe what resilience is, why it is important and some useful resilience strategies.
- Understand how vaccination works and why it is important to individuals.
- Understand that habits can be good or bad for health.
- Understand that changes in their body could indicate illness and know what to do if they notice them.
Suggested prior learning
Y5 Health and wellbeing
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: What can I be?
- To identify long term goals and how to work towards them.
Lesson 2: Relaxation: Mindfulness
- To use mindfulness to manage emotions.
Lesson 3: Taking responsibility for my health
- To understand and plan for a healthy lifestyle.
Lesson 4: The impact of technology on health
- To understand the potential impact of technology on physical and mental health.
Lesson 5: Resilience toolbox
- To reflect on skills they have developed to identify and respond to difficult situations.
Lesson 6: Immunisation
- To understand ways that people can help prevent themselves and others becoming ill.
Lesson 7: Good and bad habits
- To understand how habits can impact health.
Lesson 8: Physical health concerns
- To understand what happens when people are ill and know when to seek support.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Knowledge organiser: RSE & PSHE – Y6 Health and wellbeing
A pupil-facing summary document, capturing the key learning from this Year 6 Health and wellbeing unit.
Videos: RSE & PSHE Health and wellbeing
A collection of Q&A videos with RSE & PSHE Consultants addressing unit-specific themes to support the teaching of the Health…
Vocabulary display: Year 6: Health and wellbeing
A display version of the key vocabulary from the Year 6: Health and wellbeing unit.
Cross-curricular opportunities
‘Pupils should be taught to:
- appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians’.
See National curriculum - Music key stages 1 to 2.
‘Pupils should be taught to:
- recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function’.
See National curriculum - Science key stages 1 to 2.
‘Pupils should be taught to:
- use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.’
See National curriculum - Computing key stages 1 to 2.
‘Pupils should be taught to:
- participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates’.
See National curriculum - English key stages 1 to 2.
British values: Individual liberty.