Learning objective

  • To recall how animals get their food from plants and other animals.

Success criteria

  • I can name a producer and place it

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National curriculum


Living things and


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Animal tennis In pairs, ask the children to take turns saying the names of animals that live in a woodland habitat. They should name as many as they can in ten seconds. Repeat this activity with different habitats (coastal, ocean and rainforest).


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use the Activity: Food chains (support) to group the living things according to whether they belong in a woodland or an ocean habitat. Once grouped, they could use the images to create two food chains on their desks, using a whiteboard pen to draw arrows between them to show what each animal is eaten by; could work in a group of three with an adult to cut the pictures from the Activity: Food chain (support) and perform simple a food chain drama.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should add the labels producer, prey and predator to their folding food chains; could create an additional folding food chain for a coastal habitat which includes four living things, e.g. the algae is eaten by the shrimp is eaten by the crab is eaten by the seagull.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: naming living things that are producers


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Vocabulary definitions

  • camouflage

    Something difficult to see in its surroundings.

  • depend

    To need the help of something else to survive.


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