Y1/2 (A): Living things: Habitats

Discovering plants and animals in a range of habitats.


Y1/2 (A): Lesson 1: Life processes

  • To identify some of the characteristics of living things.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 2: It feels good to be alive


  • To recognise the difference between things that are alive, were once alive or have never been alive.

Working scientifically

  • To classify objects into groups.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 3: Introduction to habitats

  • To identify plants and animals in different habitats.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 4: Woodland habitats


  • To identify how a habitat provides animals and plants with what they need to survive.

Working scientifically

  • To carry out research to find answers to questions.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 5: Rainforest and ocean habitats

  • To recognise how animals and plants depend on each other.

Y1/2 (A): Lesson 6: Food chains

  • To recall how animals get their food from plants and other animals.

Key skills

Posing questions

  • Exploring

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • Lock

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Key vocabulary


carnivore (Y1)


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Related content


Knowledge organiser: Science – Y2 Habitats

A summary of the most important information for pupils. Captures the key facts and definitions from the Science 'Habitats' unit.


Vocabulary display – Science Y2: Habitats

A display version of the key vocabulary from the 'Habitats' unit.

Subject resources


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