Learning objectives


  • To recognise that seeds need certain conditions for growth.

Working scientifically

  • To plan comparative tests.

Success criteria


  • I can suggest conditions that help seeds grow.



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National curriculum



Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Before starting this unit, check the children can recall the following key facts from the unit Science, Year 1/2 (A), Plants: Introduction to plants. Identify plants and their features. Recall some of the roles that flowering plant parts have. Recall that seeds and bulbs come from plants. Recognise that seeds need water for growth. Display…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should be involved in placing the seeds in the different conditions; could draw pictures of the plant pots using symbols to represent the conditions as opposed to completing the Activity: What do seeds need to grow?; could draw symbols with no-entry signs on sticky notes to place beside the plant pots to label the test conditions.

Pupils working at greater depth

Could be asked to explain why the fridge presents a challenge in test C; could suggest how often the seeds should be watered by creating a rota; could explain why it is necessary to plant some seeds in standard conditions (e.g. so that they can be compared with the plant growth in each of the test conditions).


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: suggesting conditions necessary for seed growth,


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Vocabulary definitions

  • comparative test

    An experiment in which different conditions are tested and compared.

  • conclusion

    A summary of what has been found out.


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