Learning objective

Working scientifically

  • To carry out an experiment and record data in a table.

Success criteria

Working scientifically

  • I can use a stopwatch.
  • I

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National curriculum


Living things and


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Woodlouse and crab and ask pairs to discuss similarities and differences between the two animals.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could demonstrate their understanding by drawing a picture of the woodlice in the Petri dish, labelling the damp and dry sides; should verbally explain what happened in the experiment and use their drawing to answer the question: do woodlice prefer damp or dry conditions?

Pupils working at greater depth

Should give reasoning for their predictions, for example, I think the woodlice will prefer the damp section because I have seen lots of woodlice in damp soil; should evaluate the method by considering ways in which it could be improved, for example, using more woodlice, using a larger container or taking measurements for a longer period of time.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: using simple equipment to gather data;


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Vocabulary definitions

  • comparative/fair test

    A test comparing different things and observing what happens.

  • conclusion

    A summary of what has been found out.


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