Learning objective


  • To explain how a periscope works.

Success criteria


  • I can use mirrors to make a

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National curriculum



Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Mistakes in a line graph and ask the pupils to discuss problems with the line graph in pairs and how they would correct it.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use slide 4 of the Presentation: Looking around corners to support construction or a pre-built periscope as a model to work from when making their own; should use the Activity: Periscope outline to support summarising how periscopes work.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should be offered junk modelling materials to design their own periscope structure; could evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their design, while suggesting improvements; could choose an extension activity relating to reflection or periscopes from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Light and reflection.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: building a working periscope using two mirrored


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can build a working periscope using two mirrored surfaces that reflect light.
  • I can describe that the light comes from a source and is reflected off the two mirrors before entering our eyes.
  • I can use ray diagrams to explain how a periscope works, with light travelling in straight lines between the light source/viewed object, mirrors and our eyes.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • periscope

    A long vertical tube containing a set of mirrors that gives a view above the position of the eye.

  • trench

    A narrow hole dug into the ground.


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