Learning objective


  • To recognise the inheritance of characteristics in plants and animals.

Success criteria


  • I can compare characteristics between individuals from

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National curriculum


Evolution and inheritance



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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Variation in dogs and hand out whiteboards and pens (one between two). Ask the children to work in pairs to list the variations between these breeds of dogs.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should use the Activity: Inheritance family tree to help identify variations that have been inherited or affected by the environment and use these prompts to draw the other sibling; could use the Knowledge organiser to remind them of the definitions for environmental and inheritance variation.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should consider the ethics of selectively breeding animals and plants and whether it is right to make these decisions or whether the rules should vary for different types of living things; could choose an extension activity relating to inheritance from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Evolution and inheritance.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: identifying variation within a species and


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can compare characteristics between individuals from the same species and describe these as variation.
  • I can identify variation that is inherited that affects an individual’s characteristics.
  • I can recall that living things produce offspring of the same kind but are not normally identical to their parents.
  • I can describe patterns of inheritance from parent to offspring.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • breed (verb)

    To produce offspring.

  • family tree

    A diagram that shows how people are linked together within a family.


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