Learning objective


  • To describe asexual reproduction in plants.

Working scientifically:

  • To represent root growth over time on a line graph.

Success criteria


  • I can describe the changes to a cutting

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National curriculum


Living things and


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Arrange the class into groups of six and allocate one of the six life cycles (plant, mammal, bird, amphibian, three-stage insect and four-stage insect) to each pupil in a group. Ask them to locate the poster for their life cycle (see Teacher knowledge). Instruct the class to read about their allocated life cycle for two…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could plot the model data and use the completed line graph on slide 2 of the Presentation: Root growth line graph to support them in plotting their line graph accurately; could use the Knowledge organiser to help them write the script for the Attention grabber timelapse video.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should plot the model data as a second line (using a pencil initially and then going over in a different colour) onto their line graph; should compare their data line to the model line and suggest reasons for differences (e.g. differences in the amount of sunlight, differences in temperature and different mint plant used); could choose an extension activity from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Life cycles and reproduction.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: describing the changes to


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can describe the changes to a cutting as it grows roots. 
  • I can explain the difference between a clone and other offspring.
  • I can describe different methods of asexual reproduction, including runners, tubers, budding, bulbs, cuttings, layering and division.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • asexual reproduction

    A process where a plant produces a new plant from a part of itself without the involvement of another plant.

  • bulb

    An underground storage organ a plant uses to survive and grow new plants.


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