Learning objectives
- To explain the process of sieving.
Working scientifically
- To draw and annotate a diagram to explain a concept.
Success criteria
- I can define
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National curriculum
Properties and changes
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Cross-curricular links
British values
- Mutual respect
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Hand out the children’s exercise books. Ask the children to use a ruler to split a page into four parts and write one of the following headings in each section: solid-solid, solid-liquid, liquid-gas and gas-gas. Make a class version on flipchart paper that the children can refer to and add throughout the unit. Read the…
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Extended-mode explainer videos
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Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Should use the Activity: How sieving works (support) and the sieving diagram from the Knowledge organiser to help them create an annotated diagram to explain how sieving separates different-sized solids; could use the clues under the tea towel to help them work out how the soil-gold mixture and iron-sand mixture could be separated.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should identify jobs which might involve sieving, such as farmer/harvester, chef, baker or food scientist; could be challenged to consider how salt and pepper could be separated (add water to dissolve the salt, filter out the pepper and then evaporate the water); could choose an extension activity relating to sieving from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Mixtures and separation.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: defining the term sieving,
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Knowledge outcomes
- I can define the term sieving as passing a mixture through a sieve to separate different-sized pieces.
- I can explain how sieving separates mixtures using increasingly small holes to separate the pieces from biggest to smallest.
- I can identify that sieving can be used to separate solid-solid mixtures with different-sized pieces.
- I can identify that a magnet can be used to separate a solid-solid mixture containing magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
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Vocabulary definitions
A piece of equipment with holes used for separating.
A technique used to separate a mixture with different sized solids.
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