Learning objectives


  • To identify which factors affect the time taken to dissolve.

Working scientifically

  • To plan a fair test with consideration of variables and measurements.

Success criteria


  • I can recall some factors that affect

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National curriculum


Properties and changes


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Soluble dyes Gather the paper plate, jug of warm water and rainbow sweets (or small chocolate eggs) for the demonstration. Place the sweets in a circle around the edge of the plate, alternating colours. Pour the warm water onto the centre of the plate until it reaches the sweets. Allow the children to observe what…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should answer the multiple choice questions on the Activity: Factors affecting dissolving instead of writing notes on the Pupil video: Factors affecting dissolving; could use the clues (equipment) under the tea towel to help with identifying the variables when planning their investigation; could be provided with a list of variables to choose from (see slide 4 of the Presentation: Planning an investigation).

Pupils working at greater depth

Should gather repeat data and measure the temperature of the water using a thermometer; should consider whether their test is fair (the temperature for all three cold, warm and hot water tests would need to be the same to make the test fair); could choose an extension activity relating to dissolving or solutions from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Mixtures and separation.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: listing factors that affect


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can recall some factors that affect dissolving (including temperature, stirring, size of substance, type of substance and type of liquid). 
  • I can describe the effect of temperature on the time it takes for the substance to dissolve (the higher the temperature, the faster the substance dissolves). 

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Vocabulary definitions

  • control variable

    A variable that needs to be kept the same.

  • variable

    Something that can change and cause an effect.


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