Learning objectives


  • To identify the body part used for the sense of hearing.

Working scientifically

  • To investigate how sound changes as you move further away.

Success criteria


  • I can name the body part used

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National curriculum


Animals, including humans


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Before the lesson


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Recap and recall

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Paint splat senses and hand out a whiteboard and pen (one each). Ask the children to figure out the hidden words and write them on their whiteboards. Instruct them to draw the associated body parts next to each word.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could explore the shaky pots more freely, commenting on whether they are loud or quiet; could compare and match only two shaky pots with the sample items at a time; could have cones at ten-step intervals to indicate where to stand in the sound investigation; could gather data at fewer stages, specifically at the beginning, middle and end.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should be encouraged to think about why the sound became quieter as they moved further away (e.g. it spreads out as it moves away from the person making the sound); could draw and label a simple diagram to demonstrate their understanding (see Teacher knowledge and slide 1 of the Presentation: What happens to sound when you move further away?).


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: naming the body part


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Vocabulary definitions

  • distance

    The length of space between two places.

  • hearing

    Listening to sound with your ears.


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