Living things: Microhabitats

Asking questions about minibeasts and using scientific enquiry methods to find answers.


Lesson 1: Identifying and classifying minibeasts

Working scientifically

  • To classify a variety of minibeasts.

Lesson 2: Introduction to scientific enquiry

Working scientifically

  • To recognise how scientists answer questions.

Lesson 3: Minibeast hunt


  • To recognise that living things live in habitats to which they are suited. 

Working scientifically

  • To gather and record data to answer a question.

Lesson 4: Planning an experiment

Working scientifically

  • To ask questions and plan how to carry out an experiment.

Lesson 5: Woodlice experiment

Working scientifically

  • To carry out an experiment and record data in a table. 

Lesson 6: What is a botanist?


  • To identify a variety of flowering plants.

Science in action

  • To understand the role of a botanist.

Key skills

Posing questions

  • Exploring the world

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • A variety of

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Key vocabulary

food chain



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Knowledge organiser: Science – Y2 Microhabitats

A summary of the most important information for pupils. Captures the key facts and definitions from the Science 'Microhabitats' unit.


Vocabulary display – Science Y2: Microhabitats

A display version of the key vocabulary from the 'Microhabitats' unit.

Subject resources


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