Learning objectives
- To describe how materials can be reused.
Science in action
- To understand how the 3Rs contribute to sustainable products.
Success criteria
- I can sort objects based on their properties.
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National curriculum
Uses of everyday materials
Pupils should
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Cross-curricular links
Design and technology
Pupils should be
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
Recap and recall
Remind the children of their work on the properties of materials from the unit Science, Year 2, Uses of everyday materials. Describe the material wood using the words hard, tough and strong. Ask the children:
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Extended-mode explainer videos
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Extended-mode explainer video: For Mac
Extended-mode explainer video: For Windows
Adaptive teaching
Pupils needing extra support
Could use the modelled ideas from slide 4 of the Presentation: Reduce, reuse, recycle to inform their design of a product made from reused materials; could use the Activity: Reused products: support version when designing a product made from reused materials.
Pupils working at greater depth
Should label their design with the name of the material and the properties of the material.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: understanding material properties; classifying
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Vocabulary definitions
A material that bends without breaking.
What an object is made from.
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