Uses of everyday materials

Comparing the suitability of materials by carrying out tests and recording data.


Lesson 1: Objects and materials

  • To recognise that objects are made from materials that suit their uses.

Working scientifically

  • To recognise that objects can be grouped.

Lesson 2: Which material is suitable?

  • To recognise that objects are made from materials that suit their uses.

Lesson 3: Stretch it, twist it, bend it, squash it!


  • To recognise that the shape of some solid objects can be changed.

Working scientifically

  • To record data in a table.

Lesson 4: Testing stretchiness


  • To compare the suitability of materials for particular uses.

Working scientifically

  • To gather data and use it to answer a question.

Lesson 5: Testing strength

  • To recognise that the strength of some materials can be changed.

Working scientifically

  • To record data in a block graph.

Lesson 6: Eco-friendly materials


  • To compare the suitability of materials for particular uses.

Science in action

  • To recognise that some materials are harmful to the environment.

Key skills

Posing questions

  • Recognising

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Key knowledge

To know:

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Key vocabulary


block graph

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Unit resources

Assessment – Science KS1: Uses of everyday materials

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A summary of the most important

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Equipment list

A list of essential and optional

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A downloadable spreadsheet to record

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Long-term plan

A suggested order for teaching Science

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National curriculum mapping

A mapping document showing each of

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Knowledge and skills progression

An overview of the skills and

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Policy support

Outlines the intent and rationale behind

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