Learning objectives


  • To revise the unit States of matter.

Working scientifically

  • To report on my findings.

Success criteria


  • I can describe the stages of the water

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National curriculum


States of matter



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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Arrange the class into pairs and distribute whiteboards and pens (one between two). Show the link: BBC Teach – The water cycle and ask them to write down a list of keywords from the water cycle. Discuss the keywords as a class and finalise the list as follows: Evaporating. Condensing. Precipitation. Run off. Ask the…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should use the Knowledge organiser: Science – States of matter to help them write their poems about the water cycle and create their posters; could leave out the method on their posters.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should include details of variables and the enquiry type used on their posters.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: describing the stages of


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Vocabulary definitions

  • condensing

    The process of a gas changing into a liquid.

  • evaporating

    The process of a liquid changing into a gas.


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