Human timeline
Exploring how humans change from a baby through to old age, including puberty, measurements of growth and gestation periods.
- Subjects >
- Science >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 5 >
Animals: Human timeline
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Order the stages in growth and development from birth to old age.
- Describe physical and developmental changes from a baby through to old age.
- Describe changes that occur in males and females during puberty.
- Suggest ways to manage the changes that occur during puberty.
- Recall what is meant by a gestation period.
- Describe how gestation varies across animals and compare this to humans.
When working scientifically, pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use data to describe growth from baby to adult.
- Identify where on the graph the rate of growth changes.
- Use a line graph to make predictions about height.
- Choose a suitable title and axes labels for the scatter graph and plot data on the scatter graph.
Please note that Kapow Primary Science lessons are designed to be 1 hour and 30 minutes long to reflect the requirements of a core subject.
This unit only has three lessons.
Suggested prior learning
Living things: Life cycles and reproduction
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Growing old
- To describe how humans change from babies through to old age.
Working scientifically
- To use a line graph to identify patterns in height and predict values.
Lesson 2: Puberty
- To identify changes in males and females as a result of puberty.
Lesson 3: Comparing human gestation
- To explore the gestation periods of humans and other animals.
Working scientifically
- To plot data on a scatter graph.
Key skills
Related content
Unit resources

Knowledge organiser: Science – Y5: Human timeline (with named genitalia)
A summary of the most important information for pupils. Captures the key facts and definitions from the Science 'Human timeline'…

Knowledge organiser: Science – Y5: Human timeline (without named genitalia)
A summary of the most important information for pupils. Captures the key facts and definitions from the Science 'Human timeline'…

Vocabulary display: Human timeline
A display version of the key vocabulary from the Human timeline unit.
Cross-curricular opportunities
English: Spoken language.
Mathematics: Number – number and place value, Statistics.
RSE: Changing adolescent body.
British values: Rule of law, Democracy, Mutual respect.