Learning objective


  • To describe air resistance and its effects.

Working scientifically

  • To plan a fair test to investigate air resistance.

Success criteria


  • I can define the term air resistance.
  • I can

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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Hand out whiteboards and pens (one each) and arrange the class into pairs. Assign one of each pair the role of Sir Isaac Newton or Galileo Galilei. Instruct them to write down their contributions to the theory of gravity as discussed in the Pupil video: Gravity (see Lesson 1: Gravity). Ask them to debate who contributed…


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could drop three different-sized balloons without adding string and the Resource: Parachuter cutouts; should be provided with the Resource: Investigating air resistance variables to help them identify variables to test, measure and keep the same and write their method.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should extend the experiment by adding different weights (made from modelling dough) attached to the Resource: Parachuter cutouts to see how it affects the fall of the largest parachute (the more weight added, the quicker the parachute should fall); could choose an extension activity relating to air resistance from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Unbalanced forces.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: defining the term air


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Knowledge outcomes


  • I can define air resistance as a contact force that opposes motion to slow or stop objects moving through air.
  • I can describe the relationship between surface area and air resistance; the larger the surface area, the greater the air resistance and the greater the slowing effect. 

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Vocabulary definitions

  • air resistance

    The force that slows things down when they move through air.

  • contact force

    A force caused by contact between two surfaces.


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