Circuits, batteries and switches

Developing knowledge of circuits, the effects of changing voltage and how switches contribute to different devices.


Lesson 1: Components and circuits


  • To use recognised symbols for electrical components.

Lesson 2: Circuit diagrams


  • To predict and present results for electrical circuits.

Working scientifically

  • To use standardised symbols when drawing diagrams.

Lesson 3: Current and resistance


  • To recognise a link between the number of components and resistance.

Working scientifically

  • To explain results using scientific knowledge.

Lesson 4: Batteries and voltage


  • To identify ways to change voltage within an electrical circuit.

Working scientifically

  • To design a results table.

Lesson 5: Voltage and bulb brightness


  • To investigate how voltage affects bulb brightness.

Working scientifically

  • To plan an enquiry.

Lesson 6: Practical circuits


  • To apply knowledge of circuits and components to a practical solution.

Science in action

  • To recognise that scientific knowledge can solve a problem.

Key skills


  • Suggesting which

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Key knowledge

To know:

  • A

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Key vocabulary



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Unit resources

Assessment – Science Y6: Circuits, batteries and switches

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A summary of the most important

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Policy support

Outlines the intent and rationale behind

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Science: Long-term plans

Long-term plans for both standard and

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Equipment list

A list of essential and optional

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Science: Progression of skills and knowledge

Progression documents showing how skills and

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Key vocabulary

Vocabulary progression document that outlines the

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A downloadable spreadsheet to record

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National curriculum mapping

A mapping document showing each of

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This document shows schools how our

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