Learning objective


  • To explain why adaptation is necessary.

Success criteria


  • I can recall what an adaptation is.
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National curriculum


Evolution and inheritance



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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Variation in strawberries and ask the pupils to think of the strawberries’ different inherited characteristics (things the same as the parent plant).


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Should use the Activity: Explaining adaptations: support version to cut out the shuffled adaptations and explanations and stick them next to the correct animal; could use the examples on the Knowledge organiser to help understand adaptations.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should consider both useful adaptations and disadvantages when evaluating whether they think a made-up creature would survive in a particular habitat; could choose an extension activity relating to adaptations from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Evolution and inheritance.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: recalling that an adaptation is a characteristic


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Knowledge outcomes

  • I can recall that an adaptation is a characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its habitat.
  • I can recognise that adaptations cannot be chosen and they are usually inherited from the parents.
  • I can describe key characteristics that would help an organism survive, such as thick fur and small ears.
  • I can explain how an adaptation helps the organism to survive, such as thick fur keeping the animal warm in a cold habitat or small ears reducing heat loss.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • adaptation

    A characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its habitat.

  • habitat

    Where something lives.


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